Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Constant Questioning

It sounds unusual to hear that in this time there is a college girl that is twenty years old and is still a virgin. I imagine there are other people in my same situation that probably have to answer yes to the constant question: “Are you a Virgin?” If the answer is yes, depending on who you are talking to, it can have more than one different outcome. If you are talking with a group of friends and you tell them you are still a virgin they most probably tease you or maybe they will not believe your answer. In the other hand if you are talking to a guy and you say you are still a virgin they most probably will stop talking to you and get away from you. I am saying this because I had to go through this situation more than once.
Most guys that try to get close to me see my physical appearance like one of a woman between the ages of 24 and 26 years of age. The most important aspect that they see in me is that they think I have the experience that a woman that age is supposed to have. They assume that I’ve experienced having more than one relationship with both happy and sad endings. They also assume that I am sexually advanced because, typically, by this a woman at least has had sex once if not more.
To many men, my body creates a false image that is proved wrong once I open my mouth to speak. There is no correlation between what they see and what they hear. At the end, that interest they had created towards me fades away taking them away too.
I get mad to know that my physical appearance attracts guys that are coming with the intentions of sleeping with me. I do not want anybody to think that I see sex as something wrong or immoral because that is not the way I see it. Despite the fact that I do not have much experience in this topic, I share conversations with others about their experiences and how great sex is. The worst part of all is knowing that most men want to go directly to sex and they forget about everything else. They see sex as a necessity that they are trying to subdue, like an itch you need to scratch, and they forget that to get to that point they cannot hurry or pressure the other person. The think they are in a race they need to win but the only way to win is to get the approval of the woman they desire.
I would say that if all the men that had tried to come close to me had put sex as their second priority and would have had patience maybe they would of have obtain that they wanted. It’s the words, how you appreciate and value that person, how you go that extra mile for me that would make me change my firm decision of making love with a guy.
I know many would call me obsolete because of my way of thinking but I will continue with my decision of being a virgin until a guy that understands supports and respects my way of thinking comes along. For now I will still be a virgin and much proud of it!
Italis "The Survivor"

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