Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Let’s talk about sex!

I remember like today the day that my mom sat down with me to talk about sex. I was about eleven to twelve years old and since that moment I opened my eyes to a new world and lost my innocence. I am sure that I am not the only person that went through this situation. Parents wait until their children reach a certain age to reveal to them what is sex. I imagine that they choose that certain age once they see a change in the growth of body parts and when they see that their children start getting closer to their opposite sex.

When my mom explained to me what sex was I didn’t think it was something out of this world. From that they on I knew that storks were not the ones that brought babies to the mothers. After teaching me about sex my mother warn me that I should have sex with that special man after marriage. She also told me to be a virgin until marriage and to be careful with some guys that only got close to take advantage of me. After the sex education class and the warning, the topic disappeared to that dark spot where it had been hidden for years.

Teenage years went by and once in college the topic of sex came up very often, let’s say daily. You can see scenes of sex in TV, hear about it on the radio and it has become topic of interaction for many. Sex has become a game for most people. It is assumed that if you are in the ages between 18 and 22 you should have had sex. Rejection and mocking is very notable because they think you are inexpert if you haven’t been intimately with someone. The respect regarded towards sex has been lost.

I have to be realistic many years have gone by since my mom talked to me about sex. We are living in a society where sex has gone from a sacred proof of love to that special someone to an act of satisfaction. For those that grew up at the same time as me I am sure that they heard the same words that my mom mentioned back then. But now I say that it’s up to a person to decide if they wish to keep up with what their parents told them or they should just start incorporating the new concept of sex.

From my part I will keep up with the same values that my mom taught me even though they are not as strict as they started. Even though I think this way I would like to know how future generations will take the topic of sex. If today many people have sex without any strings attach I am assuming that in a short period of time marriage will not be taking as seriously as before. Not that it hasn’t change since my teenage years! Before, marriage was a way for people to be compromise before getting to have sex and having children out of wedlock. With so many birth control methods marriage is not a priority anymore. Even having a child out of wedlock does not attach a couple for the rest of their lives.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t have anything against those that take sex to satisfy them, but I am sure that I am not the only person that thinks like this! Every person can decide and confront the consequences of their acts and after all of this I still ask myself: do parents still talk to their kids about sex like that one time my mom talked to me?
Italis "The Survivor"
A word from the LWC…

Sex is a very hot and controversial issue today. As the Liberated Women Club, we want you to know that it is ok to be open about your sexuality; however, whether to have sex or not have sex, is a decision that only you can make. Sex is also something that needs to be taken very seriously and it is something that you should never jump into without taking precautions. As a liberated woman of today, you need to protect yourself and be comfortable with the choices that you make because your body is your responsibility.If you are thinking of having sex, inform yourself about the many options for birth control like condoms or the pill. If you are thinking about not having sex, we also want you to know that abstinence and waiting until marriage is not old fashioned. A lot of women today make the choice of waiting, like Jessica Simpson or your friend Italis “The Survivor”. It is ok to wait; just like, it is ok if you don’t. And remember that, just because you already had sex, it doesn’t mean that you have to continue doing it. You can choose abstinence even if you are not a virgin. It is ok to choose to have sex and it is equally ok to choose to not have sex. Be smart about your body, inform yourself, protect yourself and choose what is right for you.

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